
Conscious Funk Carioca is still alive

The Rio Baile Funk lyrics are dominated since years by sexism and violence. The worsest stuff talks about statutory rape, unprotected sex or glorifys the locals druggangs. (Read more about Putaria and Probidões.)
So it is always good to see that consciousness is still part of the scene. On SoundGoods Funk Carioca 2009 Mixtape (listen and download) I found, beside nice remixes, these two tracks. Enjoy the lyrics!

Movimento Funk – Movimento Pela Paz:
Various MCs teamed up and raised their voices for less violent police operations in favelas.

Here you can read the lyrics.

Cidinho – Dinheiro é foda
Oldschool Artists Cidinho reflects on the bad side of money.
(The Video shows pictures of the biggest bank robbery in brazilian history). 

Here you can read the lyrics